Valuing Every Moment

In the grand, unpredictable theater of life, an undeniable truth shadows our every step: the possibility of our existence’s abrupt end. This realization, far from being a morbid fixation, serves as a profound reminder to cherish and make the most of the time we are granted. In this exploration, we delve into the implications of life’s inherent uncertainty and propose a mindset geared towards appreciating every fleeting moment. The Unpredictable Nature of Life Life, in all its beauty and complexity, operates on the whims of unpredictability....

March 25, 2024 · 3 min · 440 words · Felix Müller

The Legacy of Tandem Computers and NonStop Systems

Redefining Computing Through Reliability In an era when downtime could spell disaster for businesses, Tandem Computers Inc. introduced a groundbreaking solution: the NonStop system. Designed for unparalleled reliability, these systems ensured continuous operation, setting a new standard in computing. Tandem’s NonStop Systems Founded in 1974, Tandem Computers shipped its first system, the Tandem/16, to Citibank in 1976, marking the beginning of fault-tolerant computing. The NonStop systems were built on a unique architecture that allowed them to operate continuously, even in the event of component failures....

January 30, 2024 · 2 min · 384 words · Felix Müller

The Enigmatic Legacy of Queen Margaret I and the Myths of Her Son Olaf

Today, I learned about the fascinating and influential figure of Queen Margaret I, who reigned over Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. A woman of formidable intellect and diplomatic skill, her story intertwines with the intriguing myths surrounding her son, Olaf. Margaret I: A Trailblazer in Scandinavian History Born in 1353, Margaret was the youngest daughter of King Valdemar IV of Denmark. She married Haakon VI of Norway at the age of ten and gave birth to their son, Olaf....

January 3, 2024 · 2 min · 356 words · Felix Müller

The Interplay of Language Priming and Prompting in Large Language Models

Recently, I was listening to a podcast about priming and how language can subconsciously prime us to respond in a certain way or let us believe things to be true that are not. That inspired me to consider the similarities between LLMs and prompting because context matters. Slight changes in words can change the result tremendously. Introduction The phenomenon of language priming in human communication and prompting in large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT presents a fascinating parallel....

December 28, 2023 · 3 min · 448 words · Felix Müller

The Fascinating Origins of Boxing Day

Hello everyone! Today, I’m diving into a topic that blends history with holiday tradition – the origins of Boxing Day. Celebrated on December 26th, this day holds more than just post-Christmas relaxation or shopping sprees; it’s steeped in rich historical practices. Let’s unwrap the story behind Boxing Day. The Historical Roots of Boxing Day What’s in a name? The term “Boxing Day” might conjure images of sports, but its name actually comes from a more charitable practice....

December 27, 2023 · 2 min · 266 words · Felix Müller